Monday, January 10, 2011

School Dilemma

My daughter Madicyn is really smart. I teach her a lot from home more now than ever since she is too young to go to school. Here in Texas, your child must be 4 or 5  by September 1st of that school year in order to go to pre school or kindergarten. Madicyn's birthday is December 1st, so instantly she misses the deadline by a  matter of months.

Paying for school/daycare is really expensive especially when the rates vary by age and (in our case) we have to multiply the total by three. So public school is the ideal option for my family, but until any of the children are old enough we must seek an alternative.

Our alternatives are:

  1. Daycare/Private School
  2. Local Head Start Program
As mentioned before schooling expenses can be costly and that wouldn't be the best financial option for our family. The local headstart program is free but the space is limited. Due to the fact that there is currently a waiting list, the earliest that Madicyn will be able to join that program will be next school year.

So, that leaves us with no choice but to educate her from home until she meets the age requirements for public school. Back in Michigan, the age deadline for the school year was December 1st, ( which is Madicyn's birthday), so it worked out perfectly.

 But as auntie often tells me, we are not in Michigan anymore:) 

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